Wednesday, 20 February 2013

a week to go!

We're so close that I can almost "smell" it... Can I? Can I really?
A friend of mine once told me that Vancouver's air has a sweet smell to it, after donkey's years in London that sounds quite appetizing! I just hope that my lungs still work and don't seize up with all the goodness.
It all feels very strange, we're neither here nor there, our life is all boxed up somewhere in North London to the point that we had to explain to a two year old boy that he had to share his toys with our son because he had none.
Our little boy is going to be one on Sunday and when I think about that my eyes tear up. All I wish for him is a stable and happy childhood which I had none of the first and just a little of the latter, I really hope that he'll feel like he belongs somewhere and that the lack of family won't affect him too much.
There's that saying about how it takes a village to raise a child, we'll just have to build one for him :)

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